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Pictet Asset Management

Key trends in science, technology and sustainability

10. February 2025

“Megatrends are a crucial source of long-run revenue and earnings growth.”

Megatrending: Key trends in science, technology and sustainability

Pictet Asset Management’s ‘Megatrending 2025’ highlights structural shifts across society, the environment, and technology that will shape the global economy. To narrow it down further, the asset manager identified seven key trends: tech beyond AI, 3D chips, CDMOs, trees reimagined, solving the gridlock, fight against floods and smart nutrition.

For instance, in healthcare, biotech innovations, including AI-driven drug development and anti-obesity treatments, present new investment opportunities.

“We believe megatrends are a crucial source of long-run revenue and earnings growth. As such, they also have a bearing on long-term investment returns. That’s why we use them as the basis for each of our thematic equity portfolios,” says Stephen Freedman, Head of research and sustainability, Thematic Equities, at Pictet.

Read the full paper here.