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Investing in Africa – don’t miss the opportunity

30. May 2024

“Africa will be the economic and investment story of this century.”

Investing in Africa - don't miss the opportunity

According to a report by Invesco outlining the benefits and challenges of investing in Africa, the continent holds great potential for investors.

“Africa faces many challenges, both internal and external, but we believe they are outweighed by the opportunities. If the possibilities are correctly harnessed, we think Africa could become the investment story of the 21st century,” the report says.

For instance, calculations by the asset manager show that the continent holds 30% of the world’s solar resources but only accounted for 1.4% of global solar energy generation in 2022.

“Africa has the potential to develop in a low-carbon way, leveraging abundant solar and wind resources. Investing in renewable energy infrastructure could position Africa as a leader in technological innovation and create commercial opportunities,” the report states.

Read the full report here.