Insights for professional investors

Investment Outlook 2022

  • Recorded on 20.01.2022

When will the global economy have overcome the Corona pandemic? What is the role of inflation, central banks and interest rates in the post-Covid-19 era? Which asset classes are worth investing in during the current market phase? Watch the recording of our web conferenc to hear the investment experts from Guinness Global Investors, Mirae Asset Global Investments and Source4Alpha give their views on US, European and Asian equities.

Note: The following information is for professional investors from Europe.

Presentations from


Rahul Chadha, Chief Investment Officer, Mirae Asset Global Investment

Asian Equity Markets – A Nuanced Approach to Generating Alpha

The Asian economic recovery has slowly gained momentum amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Chief Investment Officer, Rahul Chadha, provides an overview of the macro trends and themes to watch out for in 2022 for key Asian market economies.

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Nicholas Edwards, Portfolio Manager, Guinness Global Investors

European Quality Income Opportunities in 2022

The Europe ex UK region is often overlooked as a destination for quality income due to its regionally high cyclical component (which looks increasingly well placed in the current environment). In his presentation, Nick Edwards will address why investors shouldn’t look away, making the case for equity income investing in Europe.

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Christian Funke, Fund Manager, Source For Alpha

US Equity – Time to Invest in Growth or Value Stocks?

After the stock-market rally of the last decade, the large US tech growth titles such as AAPL, MSFT or GOOG are heavily weighted in market benchmarks such as the S&P 500 index. Christian Funke will discuss the risks involved and why investors should now consider switching to value stocks.

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