Insights for professional investors

Asia at a crossroads?

  • Recorded on 12.05.2022

The Asian growth engine has started to stutter. Regulatory risks, real estate bubble and weaker growth keep China busy. Disruptions in international supply chains are hampering the return of many countries in Asia to earlier growth in the third year of Covid-19. What is the outlook? Where in this challenging environment do investment opportunities arise? The CIOs of Mirae Asset Global Investments and Guinness Global Investors share their market views in this event recording.

 Note: Exclusively for institutional and professional investors from the UK.

Presentations from


Rahul Chadha, Chief Investment Officer, Mirae Asset Global Investments

Opportunities in Asia Amid Slowing Global Economy

Aftershocks of the pandemic and ongoing geopolitical tensions have weighed heavily on the global growth outlook. In his presentation, Rahul Chadha will provide an overview of the macroeconomic landscape and highlight potential opportunities across Asia to generate alpha during a global slowdown.  

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Edmund Harriss, Chief Investment Officer, Guinness Asset Management

Quality Equity Income in Asia

The Asian story has powerful attractions for investors, a focus on stable robust cash-generative businesses whose shares are undervalued underlies a strategy designed to deliver a return balanced between profit growth, multiple expansion and dividend growth. In his presentation, Edmund Harriss will explain the concept of ‘quality’ dividends in Asia.

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