Insights for professional investors

Rebuilding for Long Term Growth: U.S. Infrastructure Development

1. February 2022

A macro environment featuring low interest rates, elevated unemployment, and a GDP output gap offers governments a unique window to invest in programs that stimulate economic growth over both the short and long-term. In the United States, the most glaring opportunity lies in rebuilding and modernising the nation’s infrastructure after decades of negligence.


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Morgane Delledonne

Morgane Delledonne joined Global X in 2020. She is responsible for leading the firm’s research efforts in Europe, providing insights on the markets and ETFs alike. Prior, Morgane spent several years in the ETF industry, working as an Investment strategist in London.


Thomas Schalow

CEO & Founder of Thomas Schalow has over 25 years of experience in investment management, including various management roles at international investment firms. He publishes on financial topics and regularly moderates investment events.